The COPEAM 2021 conference, hosted by RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana, will take place on October 27 in Rome on the topic "Media narratives for intercultural and interreligious dialogue”. The event is held online on the Zoom platform, starting from 10 a.m.
In the last decade, a number of financial and migratory crisis have contributed to a noticeable increase of intolerance and xenophobia in several countries and areas of the world. As a result, multilateral and international cooperation has been suffering a seatback. The Mediterranean Region – traditionally characterized by the intense relations and exchanges between the two shores - is unfortunately no exception. In this delicate scenario, intercultural and interreligious dialogue play a key role in protecting and enhancing integration and social cohesion, inside and outside national borders. Effectively communicating diversities - and thus fostering mutual understanding between cultures and religions – constitutes, today more than, ever an important challenge for media professionals. COPEAM annual Conference, devoted this year to such sensitive issue, aims to bring out the current trends and the best practices in this domain, becoming a virtual stage of debate between media experts from Europe and the Arab world.